
Beauty in LITTLE things

A new tooth... Jumping in a water puddle...  Listening to the crickets after all the kids are in bed and it is quiet... Crayons all over the floor... Nails painted hot pink... The content baby sigh...  Another empty bottle...  Giggles when swinging because I am tickling Evonne...  The kisses that we exchange before bed... My 3 favorite words I love you being yelled under my bathroom door while I try to quick shower.... A content heart basking in the love the Father has for me in HIS perfect plan!

What a wonderful crazy week!  I am tired but yet I can't get enough of all the new babies!  I just go round and round... feeding, changing, burping, feeding again!!  Bounce, bounce, bounce!  Rosa is not sure how much she likes her "mom" holding other babies while she has to sit and watch :)  But she is now big enough to hold her own bottle and put herself to sleep, which makes me sad but God blessed me with 4 other babies to rock every night!  I did have one fantastic afternoon because all the kids went for their monthly doctor visit so I did laundry, cleaned, and enjoyed my quiet!  But everyone came back and back to the hustle and bustle!

Please be in prayer for Dulce.  She was recast on Tuesday and when they went to the doctor on Wednesday she went to the hospital.  She was throwing up due to her spine adjusting to the recast but she is doing better it is just taking a little time.  Please pray that her little precious body becomes adjusted to her new position and keeps healing.  She is strong and has a fighting spirit but her body now needs to heal!

Today Anya and I were able to take a hike as a little break in the action!  We took a hike to the bottom of the valley behind the base to see the waterfall and river below.  Nothing is more moving than God's creation to show how powerful and amazing HE is.  I can't say it was relaxing but it was a few hours of quiet and laughter was refreshing!  The waterfall was about 20 feet and coming down the mountian I could hear the rushing water!  Wow breathtaking for sure!  But I made sure I was back in time to love my kiddos for a few extra hours filled with laughter and kisses!

I am also getting excited to see my sister and brother-in-law on Tuesday!  It feels like yesterday I stepped off that plane and now we have only two teams left!  It has been a humbling experience to watch others lives change and still others come to know Christ as their personal Savior for the first time!  A powerful event that never ever gets old and continues to bring me to tears everytime I am amidst it!  It is a humble experience to be a part of the Lord's work when He really doesn't need me to be but yet it is a gift He allows us to experience!  Please pray for the last two remaining teams and strength as we finish out the season strong for the LORD!  

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