
Family Time!

Last week Tuesday was the LOONNNNNGGESSSTTT day.  The team was suppose to arrive at 11:20 AM.  We left around 10:20 ish but the few hours before then were filled with anticipation.  I was so excited to see Maria, Michael, Ali, and the rest of the Iowa team!  Once we were finally on the road it was the longest ride to the airport I have ever had!  Anya dropped me off to sit and wait for the team to arrive!  I was watching and watching, there was a group of people gathering and I assumed they were the half of the Michigan team but I still hadn't seen any Iowa faces... Finally I saw a little blonde walking out of the airport!  I took off running and screaming her name and thru my arms around her!!  It was the best hug I have ever received!  I was shaking and crying simply because I had been so anxious to see her and Michael!  And of course Ali, an amazing girlfriend of mine!   So fun to see them all but even funnier was the faces of the Michigan team members at the sight of this crazy girl who just sorta showed up and started giving out orders!  But they listened and we were able to get them loaded up in no time!  Off we went to San Ramon!! The van ride was filled with laughs and lots of catching up!  Anya and I tend to start to make up silly unbelievable answers to peoples questions because we have answered them so many times and people don't expect it from us at all.  I told my van the reason the bottom of the trees were painted white was calcium licks.  To which Maria called me out on but not after everyone in the van believed me first!   The real reason is it is to prevent termites and it is easier to see at night.  We were just nearing San Ramon when Daniel's van had a flat tire but much better than last time because it was day light not nighttime.   We arrived around 3 PM.  I took a group down to the river and then took Maria and Michael to my first house I built that was down near the river.  It was so much fun to be able to share and show them were I have been.  It rained right before devotions.  So loud in fact we just sang and sang praising our Lord for "Grace Like Rain."  A powerful way to start out the week ahead just adoring our Lord for who He is and getting our focus on Him.  It also made for a muddy first day of building but the cloud cover was so welcome no one bothered to complain!

Our house was built for a widowed Mother, Marta, and her 3 children Ana 16, Miguel 18, and Juana 21.  Marta's son Carlos, his wife Rosa, and their 3 young children were also there to help.  It is always fun to get to know more family!  I have to say every family I have built for God has brought "extras" we did not know about to be there.  But He knew they needed to be there to experience and build relationships with us as well.

I did handpick my building team because I wanted my sister on my team!  We had 3 from Iowa: Maria, Terri, and John, and 3 from Michigan: Albie, Jesse, and Jessica.  The best part was 2 had been there before and one was my sister!  I will admit it was nice to be the one telling her what to do and teasing her along the way!  I loved it and so did she makes up for the lost time over the past few months!  We had our house up in no time and I loved how hard working and respectful my team was.  We all bonded instantly; Jessica was a hairdresser so the bond was instant :)  I enjoy getting to know my teams and also going house to house this week seeing how everyone was bonding was so neat.  Not every team bonds as quickly as this team!   Everyone just had a desire to meet and get to know everyone on the other team.   They were willing to help out in any way! In fact Dan decided that just to try to stress me out he sent over his team because they were finished and mine wasn't quite there.  The help was appreciated and I can easily handle giving instructions to 12 people no problem :)  Devo's were set for 7 PM and it rained again.   It has been so interesting because it is the dry season but it has rained so much!   We all just gathered in close and worshiped louder than the rain on our tin roof!  God knew we needed to be close and

Stucco day went so quickly!  I ended up way to full of stucco for my liking but oh well it all washes off in the end anyway!   I told them I don't care just not in my hair!  They listened but I still looked like I bathed in it!   Painting was a Sea Foam Green affair and in no time we had a beautiful canvas to decorate for the family.  I told my group, "Make it personal".  I had other work to go do so It is always a surprise the next day to see what they have done with the house!  Finally we were able to start a fire and do devotions out under the stars to sing for all the world to hear!   It was a night of preparation as tomorrow we enter battle.  I can't describe how encouraged I was by the focus of this team.  We prayed by name for each family member in our house before heading to bed.  It was a beautiful picture to see each building group gathered, heads down, pouring their hearts out for people they barely knew but yet had formed a relationship with.

Everyone was up early for dedication day and as I headed to the bathroom seeing everyone digging into the word and focusing on the battle ahead was moving.  It is encouraging to know how seriously the matter at hand was.  They grasped it and were going to be fully ready for the enemies attacks!  As we began dedicating, prayers were being lifted up, songs were sung, and words from God's word were pouring out of the lips of team members.  God was surrounding us and his Spirit was on us.  I had a peace that today was the Lord's and nothing was going to go wrong.  I was encouraged by the team to pour myself out fully and watch them stay focused thru the entire dedication time.   It gives me goosebumps to talk about how focused and intent they were praying for the souls of the people.  My house was going to be dedicated last which is what I like best.  At the third house the group outside was singing "Amazing Grace" and just as they were singing the line - How precious did that Grace appear the hour I first believed- the father of the house was answering yes to accept Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior.  It was a powerful moment!  I love when the spirit moves and then being able to share later makes it even better!!  For our house we gave the gifts, exchanged words, and began.   As we shared our words the mother and daughters began to weep.  It was evident the pain they were carrying at the loss of a father and husband.  The son soon realized that he didn't have to be the leader alone but God would do it with him.  Our family all accepted Christ as well as the "extras" that helped all week!  God blessed us with more than we were anticipating!!  He is so good!!

The first Medical clinic we were going to has never been visited before.  It is a new region but steeped in years of religion and tradition not a personal relationship with a living Savior.  The name of the village was Los Cerditos meaning the Closed off ones.  We were ready with lots of ice breakers, coloring, nail painting, jump roping, and my personal favorite, Soccer!   They had a huge dirt field with no ravines on the edges!  I enjoyed our girls vs boys game.  I needed a break so I headed back to see how Maria was doing in the clinic!  At that time a mom with her 22 day old baby boy was about to sit down to have her med's explained to her.  I of course couldn't resist putting my arms out and taking her baby for a few minutes!  She was a beautiful mom and her baby was strong and healthy!  She was laid on my heart during the Jesus film but it was time for singing and testimonies so I could only pray now that she would stay and not leave because it was getting cooler outside.  After powerful testimonies and singing we dispersed among the crowd!  I saw my mom was still there but as the gospel was being presented she turned as if to leave.  I stepped in to block her path and offered to hold her baby once again.  She allowed me to hold her baby while she listened and I prayed the Lord would move her and keep the baby quiet!  As the invitation was extended she had tears rolling down her face but was hesitant to go forward.  As soon as Johanna came and asked her if she wanted to go she immediately grabbed her other young son's hand and headed forward.  At that point the baby began to cry, I knew he was hungry but tried to keep him quiet even though he was hungry.  It was a beautiful thing to watch everyone falling on their knees and accepting Jesus for the very first time!  It gets everyone excited for the next clinic and the chance to do it again!

Our second village, Chacanun, was special for 2 reasons.  We were able to commission Acedro as a Lay Pastor in the village.  But also they built houses in the village 3 1/2 years ago.  Tonight was not so much about first time dedication but more recommitting and reconnecting with Christ.  I prayed for the Lord to lay someone on my heart and right when we made it down the big hill into the village I saw him.  A little boy in a dark green hoodie but I was going to be in the clinic doing glasses.  Terri offered to do it instead because she knew I wanted to be out with the kids.   I made her a Spanish Script and took off.  I wandered up the hill and saw my little guy sitting there so I motioned to him and his eyes lit up when I did the Frisbee motion.  I noticed right away the other boys were picking on him and he was protective of his Frisbee and soccer ball.  Finally I was asking him his name, Israel and he was 9 years old.  I asked him how many siblings he had and he said only one brother, Jose 12 years old.  For some odd reason I also asked if his parents were here.  Instantly his head went down and he said they were both dead.  Boy I took a shot to the heart on that.  He said him and his brother live alone in a pink house, meaning one that the team had built.  He told me his grandparents lived a few houses down but they didn't live with them.  I sat on the grass and slowly he kept getting closer and soon couldn't cuddle into me any closer.  His brother joined us on the grass to.  He really didn't care about playing Frisbee instead he wanted love.  I just sat and held him all night long!  After the invitation he tugged me up and took me to the front where his brother was.  I knelt down put my arms around both of them and cried with them.  Hearing Jose cry out to Jesus was a moment I will never forget.  The sadness and burden he felt was being released as he cried out to Jesus.  I had packed a bag of food, candy, and extra granola bars from various team members to give him.  He was grinning ear to ear as he had his bag in one hand, bible in the other, and another bag on his back.  He was so cold so I gave him my sweatshirt as well.  I couldn't help but just want to bless him with everything I had!  We were able to pray once again for the missionary and safe travels home before leaving!  A powerful night!

Monday morning I woke up to discover my sister had gotten sick in the middle of the night.  She stayed in my room with me and we enjoyed quality sister bonding time!  She decided not to go to Antigua so instead I had to help Michael shop for her!  I can say we bonded and had a great time trying to barter together!  It was a day I won't to quickly forget!  I was so blessed to spent time with family and share in the experience with them.  It was a gift and something I will cherish forever!  Saying good bye was a happy occasion!  I didn't shed any tears but rather couldn't stop smiling at the week we shared together!  As I struggle to get excited about leaving it did help to see them and know that in just 2 weeks I will see them again!   Now comes packing as I sent one bag back with them.  I look forward to one more week and a last build in San Ramon!  Please continue to pray for us for strength and patience!  We can't say enough how your prayers help us thru the week!   Only 13 more days and I will get to see you all again!


  1. So enjoyed our adventure! It was so powerful and a joy spending it with our incredible sister! :) Enjoyed reading your blog :) I was home sick today ... got the flu bug overnight :/ love you lots and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks! :) :)

  2. What a great week that was. It was such a joy to get to know you, Anya, and all of the great people from Iowa. It was only one week, but I feel like I have known you, Michael and Maria for so much longer! As you finish up with the last team there, I am sure you are going to have so many mixed emotions about leaving to go back to Iowa. Remember that God has given you this experience for a great reason, even if you don't fully know what it is yet. When you are back in the states you are going to have so many stories to share that are going to inspire people and help bring them the Jesus! Keep up the good work and know that you are being prayed for each day.
    Your friend in Christ,
    Albie DeVries
