
Cuddling, Construction, and Hair-cutting with a side of Cooking!

Yup it has been a great past 2 days!  Tim the head of our construction team flew in on Thursday so off we went to the airport picked him up and bought supplies at the Cemaco (Ace Hardware in Guate).  We made it back home by late afternoon so I still got to spend time with the kiddos and feed supper and go thru the bedtime routine! Including my favorite activity rocking Miss Rosa to sleep!  There is no better way to end the day then watching her fall asleep safely tucked in my arms.  I am reminded every night that I am also safely tucked in my Saviors arms as I close my eyes every night and can't help but smile as I do.  He holds me all day long and has the perfect plan for me and also for everyone of the children I get to be HIS hands and feet to everyday.  I realize the more times I get frustrated at the kids listening to me to keep them safe the more I am reminded that when I don't follow HIS plan for me I risk getting hurt and stumbling along the way.  But no matter how frustrated I become at the end of the day I still love the kids unconditionally and forget about all the frustrating moments the day held.

But Friday Tim put Anya and me to work painting!  We painted ceiling beams white to keep them from rusting.  We don't make a shabby team of painters!  Minimum amount of paint on ourselves and on the floor majority of paint on the beams!  It's been prep to prepare for the team that is coming in today of 9 people to work on finishing up things around the base.  I have a list of things I need/ want  for the Orphanage as well.  We made a bed-storage-desk unit yesterday!  Got a good workout carrying everything from the garage up the hill to the second floor of the base!  And once that was all finished I still had time to sit and read some books with the books and play tickle time with all the kids before supper!  Nothing beats little Milton's laugh and cheesy smile that comes with it!  Put kids to bed once again my favorite thing to do!

On Friday I was able to give 2 of the staff members haircuts!  They were beaming even though I only trimmed 2 inches off their waist long hair.. It is the little things that make a difference.  They were so proud of their new haircuts and I loved being able to cut some hair again; need to keep my fingers in practice!!  And believe it or not I was able to cook my favorite meal for dinner yesterday... Grilled cheese!  It tasted sooo good and we were all super hungry!  Then of course we had to make s'mores over the oven again to test out our vanilla wafers and Nutella combo!  Not to bad it I can say so myself.

Today we are heading to Price Smart (similar to Sam's or Costco) to buy supplies for the team coming in!  Please be in prayer that they arrive on time and have no issues going thru custom as some of the things they are bringing are for construction so we need everything they are taking!  Thank you for all the encouraging emails and prayers!  I am daily encouraged by each and every one of you!


Seeing Joy and the Struggles

A smiling face.  The giggle of a silly happy child.  Dancing to the music.  Hugging so tightly it hurts.  Kisses from a dirty faced child who now claims me as his girlfriend.  Hearing I loove you oodles and oodles a day simply because someone saw me or perhaps was misbehaving and was caught.  The chocolate covered faces after s’more making.  The contented sigh of a child.  Yes I am surrounded by joy, contentment, and a new family.  

One of the greatest joys is right away in the morning when everyone is clean and just wants to make sure I am still here.  The hugs and kisses each morning as the sun rises over the mountains is simply a great way to start the day.  I could not be more content and happy where I am right now where God has called me now.  I am living simply and without being married to a cell phone or wondering what I need to do next.  Slowing down is one of the biggest things I have learned so far.  Kids just simply need their parents, siblings, and those they love to just love them back thru the gift of time.  I am learning how to love each child according to their own needs.  I have surrounded my room with pictures of everyone in my family and those I love; I also realize how important it is that I am blessed with a fabulous support system who loves me and is praying for me always.  It has been neat to step back and watch the kids respond to different things.  Any male Guatemalan or American is called Papa.  They call me Mama, not sure why exactly but if that is who I am to them I will give my love to them as God continues to pour out HIS love to me.  Yes joy is everywhere all God asks us to do is simply stop and smell the roses as the old saying goes, you might be surprised what God wants to teach you.

Yes the struggles.  I have been here just 2 weeks now.  I have grown a lot.  I realize it all sounds wonderful but I am still the same person struggling to make time out of a busy day to really get to know my Father in heaven who longs to teach me how to love the kids better.  I try to play the lame excuse game with God but it simply comes down to me and making time to get on my knees and worship HIM.  It is not all about a spiritual high but more of a growing and maturing process.  God desires to teach me and some days I struggle to see it and make time to meet with HIM.  Between a baby crying, chasing yet another kid out of my room, or reading the Foot Book by Dr. Seuss again it is tough work.  

Sometimes all I want to do is cry because I feel so inadequate to teach Jose anything,  he has autism to a certain degree and with no teaching background let alone special needs and did I mention a language difference.  Needless to say I am learning patience.  He is an awesome helper but there is only so much and almost 4 year old can do.  I am daily learning in small bits he loves to color, do puzzles, play play dough, read books, and play memory.  I am always whispering a prayer for patience as I deal with keeping calm and instructing Jose between Spanish and English.  Normally I start in English but switch to Spanish so he understands better.  Baby Rosa always chooses to fuss about the time we are sitting down so she is normally on one hip or learning to sit up on the floor near us to keep happy.  

I also fight being exhausted especially today.  Anya and I went to the airport for the third day in a row but thank goodness this time we didn’t leave until 11 to pick up Tim our construction leader.  The other 2 times were 3:30 AM.  And when I return everyone is up and going so its not the best nap time.  I find myself leaning more and more on the Lord for strength because I can’t do it alone.  And then add on when teams are here devos aren't over until 10 but I can’t miss it since is a time to let myself relax and just worship the Lord and thank him for his faithfulness to me.  

Learning not to try and do everything the American my way but rather changing how they things for the better and leading by example.  I have to remember that things for example a high chair is a luxury to them.  But how to gently show them how they can improve a few things with little simple changes is a challenge.  One thing I have learned is if its working don’t change it.  I have to keep in mind the cultural differences without offending them and making myself like a bad guy.  It is hard to explain exactly what I want to say but it is not always easy to make sense of why they do what they do.

I have been asked a few times if I am homesick… not for the weather of course but more for the community I have at home.  It is getting better now because I am fitting into a new family now.  The ladies have taken me under their wing.  I am getting to know Dan, Anya, and Estuardo’s family better.  It was for sure hard the first day I was here on the base without anyone I knew or knew me well.  I shed many tears and tried to bite my lip and continue to praise God for bringing me here to love and be his hands and feet.  I am human and I love my family deeply but now it is time to keep my chin up and love these kids like my mom loves me… like a grizzly bear.  I want to protect and keep these kids away from the evil that's out there.  I have to remember I am not truly being God’s hands and feet by having a pity party about missing my family but rather thanking him for giving me an awesome family who is letting me share that with kids who don’t have a family to love them.  Daily I get up and remind myself we are all a family in Christ.

Yes it is not all nice butterflies and roses.  I need to be even more disciplined to daily get on my knees dig into his word, and offer my life back to him.  He is a mighty God and I need to say okay Lord show me more of yourself today even when it is just thru the mundane.  


Dulce is home!

Little Miss Dulce was born with Hip Dysplasia.  Yesterday she underwent surgery that took 6 hours!   She didn't cry when she woke up but she sure was mad because she can't move.  Her cast is up to her waist or in the picture right up to the top red line.  Having her in a cast adds a whole new dimension because she is obviously very immobile.  But I am an extra set of loving hands to help and take care of her.  I know it will take 3 months to truly know if the surgery is successful but for now we wait and pray it is.  God is in control of everything and we will continue to pray for complete healing of her little body!  She was never suppose to walk but she did; that in itself is a miracle!!  She is one determined little lady!!

The colorful cast!

The cast is all the way up to the top flower section of her dress around her rib cage!


Going out Medical Clinics Round 1

It has been a few busy days but everything has gone wonderful!  I have a torn heart because going out with the action is awesome but ultimately I want to be with the kids yet its powerful to go out with teams and watch them experience God in a whole new way!  I have enjoyed a little break from the demands kids can make but it is just as tiring praying your heart out for others as a team witnesses despite the language barrier.  God works in amazing ways.  Guatemala is mostly a macho society so men rule and women do as they say.  Women in this culture have an incredible load to carry as they are the primary child care and house hold worker.  The man has the job to support his family and if he can not do that he has failed.  The worst thing for a man is not to support his family.  Enough history for the moment....  It is a little hard to explain unless you have been out on a medical clinic but I love a good challenge so here it goes!!  

On Saturday and Sunday I was able to go out with Team Maurice to the medical clinics.  We leave the base around 12 and arrive normally somewhere between 1:30- 2:30.  Long bumpy rides and when riding sideways you just talk yourself into the fact that you feel fine even though its dusty and hot!  Conversation and laughter on the rides help so much!!  Our first clinic was in a village called El Chocolate… Sounds yummy right?!  I helped inside the clinic learning where all the meds are and also being a controller...The person who sits at the end of the table and checks the bags to make sure everything in it is correct with the prescription sheet.  The meds are set up right and left with the prescription sheet laid out the same as the table so it makes it easy to find which meds Dan and Johanna marked down.  There are 3 people on each side of the table filling bags with the needed meds, Anya and myself checking, and Estuardo and Daniel explain the meds once the family is finished.  The system works great and is highly efficient.  After the clinic is finished the Jesus filmed is played everyone gathers round to watch as some if not most of the people have never seen a movie or even TV before; watching Jesus crucified is very real to them especially when the nails go into HIS hands.  Incredible!  Once the film is over the team gathers in the front where we sing 2 songs in English, meaning the crowd doesn’t even understand what you are saying but the louder you sing the more you feel the Holy Spirit move and work.  One of the most powerful experiences I have ever felt and it never gets old!!  God is amazing!   Once the singing is finished Dan opens the mic for testimonies also incredible how people are open to share their hurts to win over hearts for Jesus Christ.   It is a bonding moment for everyone on the team as prayers are lifted up for courage, strength, and the words to say.  Once testimonies are finished the group shares a final song before spreading among the crowd when Hermano Jesus takes the mic for a message.  Prayers are once again offered up for the people listening and Hermano Jesus to be filled with the Holy Spirit as he preaches solely off the testimonies and what the Spirit leads him to say.  It is powerful to listen to even though he is preaching in Spanish.  As he is finishing he makes an alter call - one of the most moving moments to be a part of as a Christian watching your eternal family grow as people go to their knees calling out to Jesus to help them carry their burden.  Both villages we were at it was powerful to watch the men fall to their knees with wives and children by their sides.  On the second night we were finished at El Horno, translated to the oven, we opened it up to anyone who wanted specific prayers for hurts or anything. Praying for fellow brothers and sisters Guatemala style with team members creates a bond.  Guatemala style prayers are group prayers where everyone prays at the same time until the last person is finished we all shoot AMEN!! My favorite way to pray!

That is the jist of a normal medical clinic.  Everyone is the same yet God works differently in different ways every time.  It is so much fun to be a part of working where God has already been working.  He gives us the gift to be a part of what he can do if we just jump in where he is already working!!  

Yes it was incredibly hard to leave my new family behind while I was gone.  But everyone gets a kiss hug and we exchange lots of I love you’s before I leave!  Sunday morning I was just getting out of bed after being gone for the first time and not putting the kids to bed when 3 little boys burst thru the door exclaiming Raquel es aqui!!!  And a big group hug and kisses after!   I am one incredibly blessed girl to be loved unconditionally by people I barely know but we share the same common faith and desire to be God’s hands and feet.  The ladies are concerned this crazy girl is getting enough sleep and sent me to bed this morning after a 4 AM airport run!  No worries mom they take good care of me here!  One prayer request Dulce had surgery this morning well it was 6 hours but she was born with Hip Displasia and they are trying to correct it.  She is a sweetheart and I was told she wasn't crying just very mad because she can’t move!!  Oh Dulce I love you!  In a few days they will be able to tell how successful the surgery was so please pray pray pray for precious little determined Dulce, and she fits her name meaning sweet!

Nothing new to report it was good to be back on the base for the day and I cuddled this afternoon with Rosa in my bed while the other kids played in the toy room :)  I also enjoyed making all of the boys a S’more over the gas oven!  They loved them and marshmallow and chocolate was everywhere but their smiles were priceless and so worth the mess!!  Also

Please also pray for strength for the staff as the busyness of the teams coming and going takes a lot.  Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  It is a neat experience to watch a team bond and grow closer thru everything they worked thru, prayed for, and built this week!  I enjoyed meeting and getting to know the team so much better this week and I am so excited for the next team to get here!!  


Motherhood and Mosquitoes

Yes I am a mother figure at least mostly to 6 kids but mainly to one beautiful little girl!  Rosa.  She has claimed me and I don’t mind it one bit!  The last 2 days she hasn't been feeling so well those nasty teeth are beginning to come in and her favorite and only place to sleep is in my arms so right now as I type she is all bundled up sleeping in my lap.  I even tried to lay her down twice which lasted all of 2 minutes before she fussed.   I know most mothers are shaking their heads but she didn't sleep well last night according to Jennifer who slept in their room.  I have the easy part of just the daytime and at night I rock her to sleep and go to my own room.  If I had my way I would have a crib in my room so we would never be apart even if she kept me up half of the night!!  I love her so much and we have only been together for a week!  She came only 3 days before I arrived at the base and only God could orchestrate a timing like that.  All the other kids call me Raquel but the workers refer to me as Rosa’s Mama :)  Which I like!!  Jose always wants books read to him and everyone always seems to want to join the party of course!  Milton tends to scream anytime something doesn't go quite right but no worries it only last for about 10 seconds before he is back on his merry way again!  Christian is an awesome listener and last night during supper we practice me saying, “Stick “em UP!” and he would put his hands in the air giggling then it was
my turn to do the same!  I do get tired of saying no or get out of my room but I love these kids so
much and as they continue to grow and respond to me more I am the one who is blessed!
God’s children are beautiful in every way and I love learning the quirks of each child’s personality!  When I have to go out with teams as an extra set of hands its going to be hard to be gone for  even just a few hours!

My mom was right when she told me motherhood is the hardest thing you will ever love.  There
are moments I need to make it thru the next 5 minutes because 3 kids are crying one is yelling,
the baby doesn't want to be put down, and another is ripping out pages in a book.  And that's with 3 ladies around to watch!!  Oh but the laughter and good times always outweigh the difficult

The mosquitoes are having hayday on my legs.  I counted over 50 bites this morning and woke up during the night because they were so itchy!!  I wear pants and today started with bug spray
anything to get them to quit eating me simply because I am sweet blooded :)  But their could
always be something worse.  The ladies can’t believe how many red bumps I have cover my
legs and now my hands….  They laugh as I spread anti itch all over my legs like lotion!!  Its pretty funny!!  God is teaching me patience and unconditional love.  I am pouring myself out for the kids and HE continues to fill me back up every night so I can get up and do it all over again in the morning!!  I have HIM to rely on each and every day and as a mother figure HE is all I need everyday.  He tells me to rely on him every moment even when I can’t seem to understand why all I need to do is say Okay Lord my life is yours and he continues to blow me away by how HE teaches me and guides me in the right step or puts the right email in my inbox at the right time.  I am so humbled by the support I have and thankful for the prayers offered for me.  Please also pray for Team Maurice as tomorrow begins the house dedications. The gospel is presented to each family and


Meet the kids!

My baby Rosa doesn't like to be put down so we strapped her on!

Happy baby Rosa

Ruth 10 months She will be walking soon but does not like shoes!!  

The guard!  Way to represent SC!!

Jennifer and Dalia - my new best friends and the sweetest girls ever!  They want to come to Iowa!!

Group picture before mom leaves

Little Milton almost 3 years old!  Loves to giggle and keep up with the big boys

Miss Dulce 2 years old!  She has a sweet nature and is a little cautious!

The best man Jose!  He is 4 and will start school tomorrow he is super smart and loves books!

The best view every morning!  What a reminder of God and how beautiful HE is!

Christian 3 years old!  He is an adventurous little man and has a winning smile!


Adjusting to the routine

The view is fantastic!  Kids running around, drooling with giggles, and just being kids, busy kids!!
I am adjusting to each child since they are all so different but love each other, most of the time
when they aren't stealing each others toys or breaking what we made out of legos.  Jose is 4,
Christian is 3, Dulce and Milton are 2, Rue (Ruth) is 10 months, and little Rosa is 6 months.
Obviously I am not enjoying a baby one bit :)  Alissa- I have my own little baby Lola and Larkin
here to love on!!  I have fallen in love 6 times over and know they will steal my heart more as
time goes on.. Christian calls me Ma Ma which makes me smile.  Today during lunch I was
winking at him and crossing my eyes while he attempted to do it back at me… It looked more like a Flynn Rider look; Kyle Te Stroete, you need to come teach him!  Milton has the absolute most contagious laugh and has learned to play, Milton es SOOOO BIG, throwing his hands up until you tickle him repeatedly!!  Dulce is still not totally sure about me but she has let me feed her so she can study me.  Jose is a go getter although Mom has put her teaching and mothering skills to work with him, coloring, puzzles, reading books, dancing, singing!  He just loves to smile and is all boy!  Ruth is little miss Diva she likes to scoot around and it will not be long before she is running around and running the show!!  She has chunky cheekers that beg to be kissed all the time, not that I mind one bit!!  Rosa is a dolly and is very content to just be and watch everyone else run around!  She loves to snuggle and fell asleep on me today!  I love all the wet kisses and tight hugs I am receiving all the time!

This morning even thru the language barrier we had plenty of laughs while I was trying to
describe my family, house, and career to them… They can’t understand that I can miss school
for 3 months and I’m at a loss for words on how to exactly describe it!  Jennifer, 19, and Dalia,
20, also decided looking at my family picture we had plenty of room in the picture to add 2 more adopted girls… THEM!!  They said Vamos!!  Snow cold and all!!!  Especially when I told them the boys were muy guapo and muy alto, Jennifer was definitely blushing.  The wonderful ladies have welcomed me right in!  They have a rotation of 5 ladies… They stay for 2 days but a new lady leaves and one comes every day… hard to describe.  Dalia comes everyday from 8-4 and she is a sweetheart!!  I was working with her and Morella yesterday on English!!  They are eager to learn because all the books are in English so then they can read to the children instead of listening with them!!  Today they decided to have me help them make tortillas and so they put an apron on me to make me look official but it didn't help my skills… I do not know what the secret is but I was not very good!  Dalia told me I have 3 months to learn - glad she has
faith in me :)  Lots of laughter but they are the most patient teachers with a slow student :)

God has truly blessed me with a spirit of contentment already and  eased my fears.  I am
learning to love how he loves unconditionally and even when I am tired I know he is just a pray
away for me to call out to him and he gives me strength I need to go on or patience when I don’t
exactly know what one of the children is trying to tell me.  This morning my devotion was about
trusting in him and relinquishing my control to him because he has placed me here because I
was receptive to him and my deepest desire was to trust him fully.  Also learning to pray placing
my concerns at his feet then thanking him for an answer I have not yet received but still thanking
him for giving me the answer in his timing according to his beautiful and perfect will.  He is my
strength and helper.  I know I am never alone and what a refreshing thought that is!  I appreciate
all your prayers as I journey on falling more and more in love with my Father in Heaven and who
he wants me to be.


Safe and Sound!

We arrived into Guatemala City today at noon!  The weather was much nicer than when we left Iowa!  We drove to base with no problems!   The kids are adorable and full of energy especially the boys who love to play!!  Mom is helping me settle into my room but had to take some time out to hold little Rose who is 6 months old and cute as a button!  She said this is her kind of mission work, even after changing a dirty diaper!  I am getting my use out of all the Spanish I have learned and I play interpreter for my mom... which means she will have a SURPLUS of words to use when she gets home!!  I have to ask all the questions but it takes a few minutes to remember what the words are but it comes back quickly!  Thank goodness my brain is still young! The kiddos go to bed by 7 and are up with the sun at 5!  A little of an adjustment for me who enjoys staying up late and taking naps!!  We are heading to bed now and are grateful to be here safe and sound!  Thank you for all your prayers!


Packed but flight cancelled!

 I am ready!  Bags packed repacked weighed and weighed some more! Most importantly they are under or pretty close to under 50 pounds!!

Yesterday we received a phone call around 1 saying our flight has been cancelled and everyone would be arriving at different times... Not what we wanted to hear but we were relieved we were home and not at the airport!  SO now my dad will leave with the men of our team on Tuesday evening arrive in Houston, stay over in a hotel, and fly out on Wednesday morning arriving in Guatemala at noon!  They will go right to San Ramon to start building and try to make up for lost time!

My mom, Kathy and I will be flying out Wednesday at 6, arrive in Houston, spend the night, and fly out to Guatemala on Thursday at noon!  We will be going to the base, Home sweet home for my stay!!  I am excited to get there and settled in!  Now its a little more waiting but God's plan is better than mine!   He is faithful and provides for me!

Please pray for patience and safe travel for everyone!