
Cuddling, Construction, and Hair-cutting with a side of Cooking!

Yup it has been a great past 2 days!  Tim the head of our construction team flew in on Thursday so off we went to the airport picked him up and bought supplies at the Cemaco (Ace Hardware in Guate).  We made it back home by late afternoon so I still got to spend time with the kiddos and feed supper and go thru the bedtime routine! Including my favorite activity rocking Miss Rosa to sleep!  There is no better way to end the day then watching her fall asleep safely tucked in my arms.  I am reminded every night that I am also safely tucked in my Saviors arms as I close my eyes every night and can't help but smile as I do.  He holds me all day long and has the perfect plan for me and also for everyone of the children I get to be HIS hands and feet to everyday.  I realize the more times I get frustrated at the kids listening to me to keep them safe the more I am reminded that when I don't follow HIS plan for me I risk getting hurt and stumbling along the way.  But no matter how frustrated I become at the end of the day I still love the kids unconditionally and forget about all the frustrating moments the day held.

But Friday Tim put Anya and me to work painting!  We painted ceiling beams white to keep them from rusting.  We don't make a shabby team of painters!  Minimum amount of paint on ourselves and on the floor majority of paint on the beams!  It's been prep to prepare for the team that is coming in today of 9 people to work on finishing up things around the base.  I have a list of things I need/ want  for the Orphanage as well.  We made a bed-storage-desk unit yesterday!  Got a good workout carrying everything from the garage up the hill to the second floor of the base!  And once that was all finished I still had time to sit and read some books with the books and play tickle time with all the kids before supper!  Nothing beats little Milton's laugh and cheesy smile that comes with it!  Put kids to bed once again my favorite thing to do!

On Friday I was able to give 2 of the staff members haircuts!  They were beaming even though I only trimmed 2 inches off their waist long hair.. It is the little things that make a difference.  They were so proud of their new haircuts and I loved being able to cut some hair again; need to keep my fingers in practice!!  And believe it or not I was able to cook my favorite meal for dinner yesterday... Grilled cheese!  It tasted sooo good and we were all super hungry!  Then of course we had to make s'mores over the oven again to test out our vanilla wafers and Nutella combo!  Not to bad it I can say so myself.

Today we are heading to Price Smart (similar to Sam's or Costco) to buy supplies for the team coming in!  Please be in prayer that they arrive on time and have no issues going thru custom as some of the things they are bringing are for construction so we need everything they are taking!  Thank you for all the encouraging emails and prayers!  I am daily encouraged by each and every one of you!

1 comment:

  1. Read your blog regularly..pray for you daily..(((hugs))) to team Maurice. Anna's Mom
